
We are most grateful for your support of The St James' Music Foundation

Donations of $2.00 or more to The St James' Music Foundation are tax deductible.

How you can help

Your support is of the greatest value to us. The support form is one practical way you can support The St James' Music Foundation.  The Donation Form Button in the footer will download the support form as a PDF. Your support can be in the form of a one off donation or ongoing sponsorship over a period of time. We are most grateful for your support of The St James' Music Foundation.

Specific Plans

While maintaining musical excellence at St James' remains a focus, improved funding will ensure this is ongoing and also create opportunities for other initiatives. Among plans to entrench the St James' musical tradition are:


Secure a choral ensemble at an optimal number of 10 to 12 voices


Keep a reliable and dedicated group of musicians who value the contribution of music to worship at St James' and to the wider community through concert programs



Ensure a succession of promising talent to St James' through ongoing recruitment, particularly by fostering relationships between St James' and the University of Sydney Music department, the Conservatorium of Music and schools in NSW and interstate.


Establish choral scholarships and study grants for students through the University or Conservatorium as a way of securing an ongoing flow of talent


By becoming involved in the educational role through scholarships, St James' gives musicians experience and equips them for musical careers and becomes proactive in promoting musical excellence (see the alumni page for some of our success stories to date).


Strive for even higher standards of music.


Build further on the Choir's reputation as it achieves wider recognition by musicians, musical directors, churchgoers and music lovers.