The Bicentennial Pipe Organ at St James’ Church

The Bicentennial Pipe Organ at St James’ Church

The much anticipated and long-awaited Bicentennial Pipe Organ at St James’ Church was dedicated and commissioned on Sunday 21 July 2024. A major milestone in the musical life of St James’, and for Sydney, was finally realised.


The plan for the new organ was announced to the St James’ community in March 2018. The contract for its construction and installation had been awarded to Dobson Organ Builders Limited of Iowa, USA. An Appeal to help fund the new instrument was launched at the same time, under the auspices of The St James’ Music Foundation.

However, the construction of the organ was interrupted twice by unexpected and somewhat lengthy delays. The first was in early 2020, when work was suspended for a period due to the global COVID-19 pandemic. Lockdowns prevented work being undertaken in the Dobson workshop for short periods. COVID-related disruptions to global supply chains delayed the delivery of parts and pipes. Then, more alarmingly, a disastrous accidental fire destroyed the Dobson workshop in June 2020. The roughly 20% of work that had been completed on the St James’ instrument by that time was lost in the blaze. It had to be redone.

Pandemic and fire notwithstanding, the organ was shipped to Sydney from Iowa in late 2023. The Dobson crew spent the early part of 2024 installing the organ, followed by a three-month period of “voicing” and tuning. It was appropriate that the completion of the new instrument was celebrated in fitting style with a veritable festival of fine music during the week of the 2024 Parish Patronal Festival which also marked the 200th anniversary of the Consecration of St James’.

At the Choral Eucharist on 21 July the organ was officially handed over to the Parish by John Panning, President of Dobson Pipe Organ Builders. It was blessed and dedicated by The Right Reverend Richard Hurford, a former Rector.

At a Festal Choral Evensong on Wednesday 24 July, the eve of St James’ Day, new settings of the Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis commissioned by a Benefactor of St James’ to celebrate the Bicentenary and the inauguration of the new pipe organ had their world premiere. These settings of the Canticles are by Australian composter, Joseph Twist. That service was attended by Her Excellency the Honourable Margaret Beazley AC KC, Governor of NSW.

The Patronal Festival Day was celebrated with a Choral Eucharist featuring the organ with the combined voices of the Choir of St James’ and the St James’ Singers. The preacher was the Reverend Andrew Sempell, the Rector under whose administration the organ replacement project came into being.

In the evening of Friday 26 July, a thrilling opening recital in the St James’ International Organ Festival was given by celebrated guest organist and conductor, James O’Donnell.
Finally, on Sunday 28 July, Patronal Festival Sunday, The Mass of St James’ by Gabriel Jackson was heard for the first time with a full orchestra. This composition was commissioned by generous benefactors to mark the Bicentenary.

The Appeal to raise funds for the organ officially closed in August 2024. Fundraising activities included a once-in-a -lifetime formal fund-raising dinner which was held in the church on 19 November 2019, along with many other concerts, events and announcements over the years to draw the project to attention of supporters. Through the generosity of many donors, a total sum of $2.9 million was raised. This amount is a testament to the passion that the St James’ community has for its music and how well this music is appreciated in wider Sydney.

Although the Appeal is no longer operational, ongoing donations to continue to keep supporting the organ project are always welcome at:

When the project was announced in 2018, it was described as ambitious and visionary. Many studies had found that the previous organ, last rebuilt in 1971, was beginning to fail mechanically, was not highly regarded for its tonal quality and no longer fit for purpose. In stark contrast, the quality and sound of The Bicentennial Pipe Organ has surpassed expectations. There can be no doubt that it has already become the foundation for the ambition and vision for future expansion and development of music at St James’.

This organ is now an instrument for Sydney. It has already and will continue to attract world-renowned artists for concert and recital programs for the Sydney community.

This organ is adding to the arts offering of St James’. It is a platform to support the expansion of the St James’ Church Music Program to reach an even wider audience.

This organ is a resource for music education. It has given impetus to increase St James’ Church involvement in music education, supported by The St James’ Music Foundation, to offer scholarships to choristers and up and coming organ scholars.

This organ is a resource for religious music. The new instrument will musically enrich services, including the celebration of major festivals at Christmas and Easter as well as the many funerals and weddings held at St James’ Church each year. It has already been a vehicle to promote the composition of new works by local and international composers.

For further details about The Bicentennial Pipe Organ, see the following links:

The St James’ Organ Replacement and Restoration Appeal

A new organ for St James’ King Street

James O’Donnell performing a piece commissioned for the new organ and written by Francis Pott

Click here to open in YouTube


Time lapse installation of The Bicentennial Pipe Organ




Organ Ranks and Pipes – Donor list

Principal Benefactors

($100,000 and above)

Benefactor Rank Rank Name
Dr Peter Harper 1-3/5' Seventeenth Great (II) Dr Peter Harper
Dr Peter Harper 8' Cornopean Swell (III) Dr Peter Harper
Hamish Parker 8' Voix Celeste Swell (III) Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
Hamish Parker 4' Octave Swell (III) Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
The St James' Foundation 16' Bourdon Pedal The St James' Foundation
The St James' Foundation 8' Octave Pedal The St James' Foundation
Sally White OAM 8' Viole d'Orchestre Solo (IV) Psalm 7:1
Sally White OAM 8' Oboe Swell (III) Psalm 37:3

Foundation Benefactors

($60,000 - $100,000)

Benefactor Rank Rank Name
Christine Bishop 8' First Diapason Great (II) Christine Bishop
Christine Bishop 8' Second Diapason Great (II) Alan Bishop
Estate of the late Keith Johns 1 3/5' Tierce Choir (I) In Memory of Keith Johns
Estate of the late Keith Johns 8' Basset Horn Choir (I) In Memory of Keith Johns
Dr Paul Lee & Anthony Naake 2' Fifteenth Great (II) Dr Paul Lee & Mr Anthony Naake
Dr Paul Lee & Anthony Naake 8' Vox Humana Swell (III) Dr Paul Lee & Mr Anthony Naake
Robert Marriott & Katie Lahey AM 16' Double Diapason Great (II) Santiago de Compostela
Robert Marriott & Katie Lahey AM 4' Traverse Flute Swell (III) Edgar and Cath Marriott
Geoff & Rachel O'Conor 8' Viole Celeste Solo (IV) Mr Geoff & Mrs Rachel O'Conor
Geoff & Rachel O'Conor 16' Open Wood Pedal Mr Geoff & Mrs Rachel O'Conor
Moreton & Frances Rolfe 4' Octave Great (II) In memory of our dear friend The Hon Morris (Dusty) Ireland KC
The Hon Moreton Rolfe KC 4' Harmonic Flute Great (II) “Laus Deo – Praise be to God”
Geoffrey White OAM 8' Harmonic Flute Solo (IV) Psalm 7:17
Geoffrey White OAM 16' Waldhorn Swell (III) Psalm 18:2

Foundation Benefactors – General

($60,000 - $100,000)

Rank Benefactors

($30,000 - $60,000)

Benefactor Type/Length Name Named
Robert Albert AO RFD ED 8' Gamba Great (II) In Memory of Robert Albert
Anonymous III Cornet des Violes 10.12.15 Solo (IV) Michael Dyer
Fred P Archer Charitable Trust 8' Flauto Dolce Choir (I) Fred P Archer Charitable Trust
Robert Daley, Dr Lincoln Law, Peter McInerney, Stephen Samild, Peter Sheppard 32' Contra Trombone Pedal Young Bucks
Estate of the late Angela Monica Gibson 8' Diapason Swell (III) In Memory of Angela & Robert Gibson
The Glendonbrook Foundation 8' Orchestral Oboe Solo (IV) John Kennedy McLaughlin AM
Dr Jan Milburn Grose OAM 8' Viole de Gambe Swell (III) In Memory of the Milburn and Grose Families
Phillip Jones 8' Trumpet Great (II) In memory of Norman Johnston
Estate of the late Graham David John Leech 2-2/3' Twelfth Great (II) In Memory of Graham and Angela Leech
Estate of the late Mary Elizabeth Maltby 8' Hohl Flute Great (II) George & Mary Maltby
The Revd Andrew & Rosemary Sempell 8' Tuba Solo (IV) The Sempell Family
Estate of the late Norma Shore 2' Piccolo Choir (I) In Memory of Norma Shore
Available Ranks
2' Fifteenth
4' Clarion
8' Flute Celeste
4' Chimney Flute
2-2/3' Nazard

Pipe Donors

($ 2,000 - $30,000)

Great Division: IV Mixture (244 pipes, 52% tin)

Donor Pipe No. Pipe Name
Richard Abraham 38 Richard Abraham
Nicholas Allton 45 The Allton Family
Nicholas Allton 148 The Allton Family
Nicholas Allton 149 The Allton Family
Rosalind Amor 123 Rosalind Amor
Rosalind Amor 124 John Amor
Heather & Herb Anderson 19 Heather and Herb Anderson
Anonymous 35 Anonymous
Anonymous 36 Anonymous
Robert Liu 37 Anonymous
Wilson Asset Mgmt 70 Anonymous
Wilson Asset Mgmt 71 Anonymous
Wilson Asset Mgmt 166 Anonymous
Wilson Asset Mgmt 165 Anonymous
Anne O'Brien & John Ingleson. 172 Anonymous
Anonymous 133 To the memory of S.E.C. & N.G.C
Anonymous 164 To the memory of S.E.C. & N.G.C
APS Foundation 225 Jeremy Parkinson
Jane & Barry Baker 29 Jane & Barry Baker
Gail Ball 27 Gail Ball
Gail Ball 28 Warren Ball
Marie Bashir 20 Prof The Hon Dame Marie Bashir AD CVO
Lola Baumgart 173 Neil Baumgart
Lola Baumgart 174 Lola Baumgart
Lola Baumgart 175 Karl Baumgart
Lola Baumgart 176 Sharon Chen
Lola Baumgart 177 Charmian Fatkin
Lola Baumgart 178 John Fatkin
Lola Baumgart 179 Alexandra Neuerburg
Lola Baumgart 180 Samuel Baumgart
Lola Baumgart 181 Michael Fatkin
Lola Baumgart 182 Annelise Fatkin
Lola Baumgart 232 Leopold Neuerburg
Lola Baumgart 233 Elizabeth Baumgart
Lola Baumgart 234 Helena Neuerburg
Lola Baumgart 235 Victoria Neuerburg
Lola Baumgart 236 Micah Baumgart
Ruth Bell 82 Ruth Bell
Christine Bishop 52 In celebration of Graham Smith's 80th Birthday
Christine Bishop 62 In memory of John Middleton
Christine Bishop 107 In memory of John Middleton
Christine Bishop 147 In memory of Mick & Meryl Swinburn
Christine Bishop 154 In celebration of Allan Simpson's 80th Birthday
Audrey Blunden 90 Audrey Blunden
The Bourne Family & Friends 219 In celebration of Graham Smith's 80th Birthday
William Brooks 138 In memory of Edrith Ann Brooks
William Brooks 238 In Memory of John Seymour Brooks
Caroline Bruce 30 Peter & Caroline Bruce
John Bullard 79 John Bullard
Lillian Bullard 116 Peter & Lillian Bullard
Gabriel Bullard 126 Gabriel Bullard
Gabriel Bullard 127 Clara & Bert Upton
Gabriel Bullard 128 Daphne & John Bullard
Gabriel Bullard 161 Claire & Anthony
Ian Cameron 117 Ian Cameron
Ian & Margaret Clark 34 Clark Family
Ian & Margaret Clark 89 Clark Family
Ian & Margaret Clark 169 Clark Family
Ian & Margaret Clark 170 Clark Family
Ian & Margaret Clark 201 Clark Family
Narelle & Stuart Clark AM 119 Balfours & Friends
Antony Carr 121 Antony Carr
Antony Carr 159 Antony Carr
John Dakin 15 John & Catherine Dakin
John Dakin 16 John & Catherine Dakin
John Dakin 76 John & Catherine Dakin
John Dakin 77 John & Catherine Dakin
John Dakin 78 John & Catherine Dakin
John Dakin 239 John & Catherine Dakin
Geoffrey & Nanette Danks 240 Peter Danks
Geoffrey & Nanette Danks 241 Christopher Danks
David Davies 129 The Hon Justice David Davies
David Davies 189 The Hon Justice David Davies
Janet Donald 65 Janet Donald
Janet Donald 66 Janet Donald
Janet Donald 67 Janet Donald
Janet Donald 68 Janet Donald
Janet Donald 69 Janet Donald
Jan Driscoll 155 In memory of Professor Geoffrey Driscoll from his loving family
Laurel Evelyn Dyson 162 Hildegard of Bingen
Nicholas Evans 58 To the memory of Allen Bruce Evans and Barbara May Evans
John B Fairfax AO 31 John B Fairfax AO
John B Fairfax AO 32 John B Fairfax AO
Judith Ferns 46 Verdun & Grace Robson
Judith Ferns 47 Verdun & Grace Robson
Galileo Group 108 Galileo Group
Paul Giles 14 Mr Paul Giles
The Glendonbrook Foundation 196 Lord Glendonbrook CBE AM
The Glendonbrook Foundation 197 Martin Ritchie
The Glendonbrook Foundation 198 Richard d’Apice AM
The Glendonbrook Foundation 199 Kenneth Watkins AM
The Glendonbrook Foundation 200 John Peacock AM
Ian Goldsmith 53 In memory of Carole Linde Jobling OAM
Allan Gordon 112 Solveig
Allan Gordon 113 Solveig
Allan Gordon 114 Solveig
Allan Gordon 207 Solveig
Susan Hamilton 17 Elena
Susan Hamilton 88 Felix
Michael & Kathleen Hamar 18 Michael & Kathleen Hamar
Kathleen Hamar 85 Michael & Kathleen Hamar
Kathleen Hamar 194 Michael & Kathleen Hamar
Kathleen Hamar 195 Michael & Kathleen Hamar
Michael & Kathleen Hamar Foundation 226 Michael & Kathleen Hamar
Michael & Kathleen Hamar Foundation 227 Michael & Kathleen Hamar
Michael & Kathleen Hamar Foundation 228 Michael & Kathleen Hamar
Nevin & Tess Heintze 105 In memory of Lorraine Heintze
Nevin & Tess Heintze 106 In memory of Lorraine Heintze
Dyson Heydon 21 The Hon John Dyson Heydon AC KC
John & Jennifer Holman 24 John & Jennifer Holman
Frank & Susan Hooke 131 Frank & Susan Hooke
Michael & Bev Horsburgh 13 Assoc Prof Michael Horsburgh AM & Mrs Beverley Horsburgh
Michael & Bev Horsburgh 87 Assoc Prof Michael Horsburgh AM & Mrs Beverley Horsburgh
Michael & Bev Horsburgh 142 Assoc Prof Michael Horsburgh AM & Mrs Beverley Horsburgh
Michael & Bev Horsburgh 143 Assoc Prof Michael Horsburgh AM & Mrs Beverley Horsburgh
Michael & Bev Horsburgh 144 Assoc Prof Michael Horsburgh AM & Mrs Beverley Horsburgh
Michael & Bev Horsburgh 145 Assoc Prof Michael Horsburgh AM & Mrs Beverley Horsburgh
Michael & Bev Horsburgh 146 Assoc Prof Michael Horsburgh AM & Mrs Beverley Horsburgh
Michael & Bev Horsburgh 156 Assoc Prof Michael Horsburgh AM & Mrs Beverley Horsburgh
Michael & Bev Horsburgh 157 Assoc Prof Michael Horsburgh AM & Mrs Beverley Horsburgh
Michael & Bev Horsburgh 229 Assoc Prof Michael Horsburgh AM & Mrs Beverley Horsburgh
Michael & Bev Horsburgh 230 Assoc Prof Michael Horsburgh AM & Mrs Beverley Horsburgh
David & Sarah Howell 122 David & Sarah Howell
David & Sarah Howell 160 David & Sarah Howell
Peter & Jean Johnstone 125 The Johnstone Family
Carol Jolly 51 The Rev Bill & Carol Jolly
Ros Keech 84 In memoriam - David William Alexander
George & Patricia Lawson 109 George Lawson
George & Patricia Lawson 110 Patricia Lawson
Sue Mackenzie 80 In memory of Ron and Beth Mackenzie
Noelle Magill 74 In memory of Dr David Magill
Susan Maple-Brown AM 95 Susan Maple-Brown AM
Susan Maple-Brown AM 96 Susan Maple-Brown AM
Susan Maple-Brown AM 97 Susan Maple-Brown AM
Susan Maple-Brown AM 98 Susan Maple-Brown AM
Susan Maple-Brown AM 99 Susan Maple-Brown AM
Susan Maple-Brown AM 100 Susan Maple-Brown AM
Susan Maple-Brown AM 101 Susan Maple-Brown AM
Susan Maple-Brown AM 102 Susan Maple-Brown AM
Susan Maple-Brown AM 103 Susan Maple-Brown AM
Susan Maple-Brown AM 104 Susan Maple-Brown AM
Philip Miller 130 P J Miller
Philip Miller 210 P J Miller
Philip Miller 211 P J Miller
Philip Miller 212 P J Miller
Philip Miller 213 P J Miller
Philip Miller 214 P J Miller
Nick & Caroline Minogue 118 Nick & Caroline Minogue
Nick & Caroline Minogue 190 Nick & Caroline Minogue
Nick & Caroline Minogue 191 Nick & Caroline Minogue
Nick & Caroline Minogue 192 Nick & Caroline Minogue
William Michell 63 In memory of William Michell
William Michell 64 In memory of William Michell
Robert Moore 94 Thomas Wesley Moore
Ian McCahon 41 Ian McCahon
Philippa Naivasha 43 Philippa Naivasha
Philippa Naivasha 44 Alan Soutar
Robbie Nicol 86 Robbie Nicol
Antony Norris 237 Tony & Anni Norris
Tony & Anni Norris 93 Tony & Anni Norris
Stephen O'Doherty OAM and Dr Georgina Kelly 242 In memory of Ronald Keith O’Doherty
Allan & Welwyn Petersen 55 Allan Petersen
Allan & Welwyn Petersen 56 Welwyn Petersen
Allan & Welwyn Petersen 57 Andrew Petersen
Allan & Welwyn Petersen 215 Elizabeth Petersen
Jane Phillips 25 Peter Phillips
Jane Phillips 26 Jane Phillips
Jane Phillips 83 Elizabeth Phillips
Jane Phillips 115 Edward Phillips
Jane Phillips 141 Adrian Somerfield
Roger Pitcher 132 In memory of Michael Callachor
Arthur Pulford 72 Anonymous
Arthur Pulford 73 Anonymous
Arthur Pulford 120 Anonymous
Rodney and Donna Ravenscroft 231 Donna and Rod Ravenscroft
Peter Robson 48 Verdun & Grace Robson
Peter Robson 49 Verdun & Grace Robson
Peter Robson 50 Verdun & Grace Robson
Christopher Rogers 134 In Memory of G. W. Lee
Christopher Rogers 135 In Memory of G. B. Rogers
Christopher Rogers 136 In Memory of E. A. Rogers
Christopher Rogers 137 Christopher & Isabelle Rogers
John & Mary Sanders 75 John & Mary Sanders
Chris Shain 59 June Shain
Chris Shain 60 Charles Alexander Shain
Chris Shain 61 Dorothy Todhunter
Peter Sheppard 183 In memory of Mr CJM & Mrs MFE Sheppard
Peter Sheppard 220 In memory of Mr CJM & Mrs MFE Sheppard
Peter Sheppard 221 In memory of Mr CJM & Mrs MFE Sheppard
Peter Sheppard 222 In memory of Mr FM & Mrs OD Seaman
Peter Sheppard 223 In memory of Mr FM & Mrs OD Seaman
Peter Sheppard 224 In memory of Mr FM & Mrs OD Seaman
Mary Shuttleworth 1 Mrs Mary Shuttleworth
Mary Shuttleworth 2 Mrs Mary Shuttleworth
Allan Simpson 39 Allan Simpson
Beverley Simpson 40 Beverley Simpson
Lynette Skeoch 185 Hugh James Galt Skeoch. Born 25 December 1860 in Glasgow, Lanarkshire. Died 23 March 1959 in Grafton NSW
Lynette Skeoch 186 Hugh James Galt Skeoch. Born 25 December 1860 in Glasgow, Lanarkshire. Died 23 March 1959 in Grafton NSW
Graham & Marilyn Smith 8 Mr Graham & Mrs Marilyn Smith
Graham & Marilyn Smith 9 Mr Graham & Mrs Marilyn Smith
Graham & Marilyn Smith 10 Mr Graham & Mrs Marilyn Smith
Graham & Marilyn Smith 11 Mr Graham & Mrs Marilyn Smith
Graham & Marilyn Smith 12 Mr Graham & Mrs Marilyn Smith
Graham & Marilyn Smith 158 Mr Graham & Mrs Marilyn Smith
Howard N Tanner 187 Howard Tanner AM & Mary Tanner
Howard N Tanner 188 Sir Alastair & Lady Stephen
Robert Thomas AO 3 Robert Thomas AO
Robert Thomas AO 4 Samantha Meers AO
Robert Thomas AO 5 Andrew Thomas
Robert Thomas AO 6 Simon Thomas
Robert Thomas AO 7 Edward Thomas
Robert Thomas AO 139 Hugh Thomas
Robert Thomas AO 140 Katarina Kuo
Robert Thomas AO 216 Alexandra Kuo
Robert Thomas AO 217 Mr Robert Thomas AO & Ms Samantha Meers AO
Robert Thomas AO 218 Mr Robert Thomas AO & Ms Samantha Meers AO
Gavin & Caroline Thomson 54 In memory of Alison Judith Chrystal
Stewart Truswell 111 Professor A Stewart Truswell AO
Stewart Truswell 202 Professor A Stewart Truswell AO
Stewart Truswell 203 Professor A Stewart Truswell AO
Stewart Truswell 204 Professor A Stewart Truswell AO
Stewart Truswell 205 Professor A Stewart Truswell AO
Stewart Truswell 206 Professor A Stewart Truswell AO
Ian Westbrook 42 Tom Westbrook
Ian Westbrook 92 Anna Westbrook
Ian Westbrook 163 Heather Westbrook
Ian Westbrook 171 Ian Westbrook
Bill Windeyer 22 The Hon William and Mrs Gay Windeyer
Bill Windeyer 23 The Hon William and Mrs Gay Windeyer
Bill Windeyer 91 The Hon William and Mrs Gay Windeyer
Bill Windeyer 150 The Hon William & Mrs Gay Windeyer
Bill Windeyer 151 The Hon William & Mrs Gay Windeyer
Bill Windeyer 152 The Hon William & Mrs Gay Windeyer
Bill Windeyer 153 The Hon William & Mrs Gay Windeyer
Bill Windeyer 208 The Hon William & Mrs Gay Windeyer
Bill Windeyer 209 The Hon William & Mrs Gay Windeyer
John & Roma Woodforde 81 Dr John & Mrs Roma Woodforde
Barbara Woodward 167 Barbara Woodward
Barbara Woodward 168 Barbara Woodward
Barbara Woodward 184 Mark Woodward
Deborah Wotherspoon 33 Deborah Wotherspoon
Patricia Zeppel OBE 193 Notre Dame de Paris
Available Pipes

($ 2,000 - $30,000)

Swell Division: IV Mixture (244 pipes, 52% tin)

Donor Pipe No. Pipe Name
Nicholas Allton 18 In memory of Derek and Margaret Allton
Anonymous 14 SDG
Anonymous 46 Anonymous
Anonymous 47 Anonymous
Anonymous 48 Anonymous
Anonymous 49 Anonymous
Anonymous 50 Anonymous
Anonymous 51 Anonymous
Anonymous 52 Anonymous
Anonymous 53 Anonymous
Anonymous 54 Anonymous
Anonymous 55 Anonymous
Fiona Balfour AM 6 James Balfour & Fiona Balfour AM
Fiona Balfour AM 7 James Balfour & Fiona Balfour AM
Fiona Balfour AM 56 The Balfour Family
Fiona Balfour AM 57 The Balfour Family
Fiona Balfour AM 58 The Balfour Family
Fiona Balfour AM 59 The Balfour Family
Fiona Balfour AM 60 The Balfour Family
Ian & Margaret Clark 10 Clark Family
Ian & Margaret Clark 11 Clark Family
Ian & Margaret Clark 12 Clark Family
Ian & Margaret Clark 13 Clark Family
Professor Geoffrey N Cooper 4 Professor Geoffrey N Cooper
Therese M Cooper 5 Therese M Cooper
Megan Daley 36 Megan Daley
Kathleen Hamar 15 Michael and Kathleen Hamar
Kathleen Hamar 16 Michael and Kathleen Hamar
Kathleen Hamar 17 Michael and Kathleen Hamar
Ross & Elizabeth Hindmarsh 19 Samuel William Dickson
Ross & Elizabeth Hindmarsh 20 Cameron Thomas Dickson
Ross & Elizabeth Hindmarsh 21 Emily Grace Dickson
Ross & Elizabeth Hindmarsh 22 Joshua William Dyer
Ross & Elizabeth Hindmarsh 23 Jacinta Grace Dyer
Ross & Elizabeth Hindmarsh 24 Lachlan Andrew Dyer
The Hon Justice François Kunc 9 François Kunc
Olive Lawson 1 Olive Lawson
Olive Lawson 2 Olive Lawson
Olive Lawson 3 Olive Lawson
Dr Paul Lee 41 Bevan and Jean Wilson & Family
Dr Paul Lee 42 Bevan and Jean Wilson & Family
Dr Paul Lee 43 Bevan and Jean Wilson & Family
Dr Paul Lee 44 Bevan and Jean Wilson & Family
Dr Paul Lee 45 Bevan and Jean Wilson & Family
Christopher Lock 35 Nicola and Christopher Lock
Philip Miller 37 P J Miller
Philip Miller 38 P J Miller
Deborah McMurtrie 33 Deborah McMurtrie
Deborah McMurtrie 34 Deborah McMurtrie
Holly Raiche 8 The Peck Family
Katharine & Ian Renwood 26 Katharine & Ian Renwood
Katharine & Ian Renwood 27 Katharine & Ian Renwood
Katharine & Ian Renwood 28 Katharine & Ian Renwood
Katharine & Ian Renwood 29 Katharine & Ian Renwood
Katharine & Ian Renwood 30 Katharine & Ian Renwood
Katharine & Ian Renwood 31 Katharine & Ian Renwood
Katharine & Ian Renwood 32 Katharine & Ian Renwood
The Revd Andrew & Rosemary Sempell 25 The Sempell Family
Dr Rodney & Mrs Janice Smith 40 Psalm 150:4
Available Pipes

General Donors

Elizabeth Albert
Herb Anderson
Margaret Anderson
Patrizia Anzellotti
Judith Ashton
Barry Baker
Richard Baker
James Balfour
Balmoral Hill Pty Ltd
Elizabeth Barton
Grace Arden Basaglia
Hugh Beattie
Phillip Bell
Ross Berry
Sidney Blairs
G O Blake
Tricia Blombery
Peter & Christine Blunden
Bonsoir Pty Ltd
Peter Bourne
Geoffrey Bray
The Hon. John P Bryson KC
Gregory Burton
Robert Busby
Alan Cabrera
Dr Bernice-Eve Calf
Michael Cameron
Rob Cameron
Fr Edmund Campion
E A Carr
David Carver
Bruce Chee
Alan K Chuck
Alistair Clark
Celecia Clarke
Narelle & Stuart Clark AM
Susan Conde
Betsy Conti
Chris Cook
Krista Corlis
Yvonne Corpuz
Stan Cowper
The Rev'd Desmond Cox
Jennifer Crivelli
David Crouch
Leonie Dahl
Chum Darvall
Design 5 Architects Pty Ltd
David Dight
Richard & Sandy Dillon
Peter Douglas
Ross B Douglas
Sue Doyle
David Drury
Raphael Dua
Robert Duffield
Colin Dunston
Christine Edwards
David Edwards
Julie Edwards
Tim Edwards
John & Joan Elliston
The Hon. Justice Arthur Emmett AO KC
Hazel J Evans
Margaret Farry
Daniel Ferguson
Leon Fitzgerald
Norma Freer
Colette Garnsey OAM & Andrew Green
Stephen Gerard
Farnam Ghazizadeh
Ian Goldsmith
Patricia Grace
Howard Graham
Anna Green
Dr Jan Grose
Robyn Grosvenor
Peter Alan Hales
Peter Hales
Hugh & Anne Harley
Murray Hassan
The Rev'd Dr Ivan Head
David Heidtman
The Rev'd Ron Henderson
Leigh Hess
Derrick Heywood
Peter Hidden
William Highducheck
Michael J Hobbs
Robyn Hobbs
John Horsfield
Michelle Imison
Inner West Council
Bryan Inder
Anne Innes
Dianne Jagelman
Cary James
JDM Electrical Services
Peter D G Jewkes Pty Ltd
Kristin Johnson
Dr Amy & Mr Brendon Johnston
Margaret Johnston
Douglas Keech
Annabel Keevers
The Hon. Michael Kirby AC, CMG
Bernice Lee
Craig Lee
Annette Lemercier
Rosalind Barrett Lennard
E & L Levy
The Liberal Party of Australia - NSW Division, Liberal Women's Council
The Hon. Justice Geoff Lindsay AM
Bronwyn Logan
Jean Lowe
Michael Love
Peter Luke
David Maloney AM
Dougal Maple-Brown
Yuko Matsumoto
Peter Maxwell
Peter Meyer
Col Michael Miller LVO RFD
Jacqueline Milne
Caroline Minogue
Felice Montrone
Lyn Moorfoot
Susan Morrison
Alf Moufarrige
Keith Murree-Allen
Kevin McCann AO
Donald McDonald AC
Ian McDonald
The Rev'd John & Mrs Kay McDonald
David McGovern
Elizabeth McIntyre
Scott McIntyre
Catherine McLellan
Valerie McMillan
Shirley McMullen
David McQuiod
The National Trust
Mengqiu Niu
Nichelle Nobel
Richard Nott
Graham Oliver
Charles Peck
Michael Perrott
Brian & Chris Pezzutti
Helen Philips
Dagmar Pidd
Jacqueline Pidd
Rosalie Pockett
Jane & Tim Potter
Pamela Roberts
Rolisgay Pty Ltd
The Hon Phillip Ruddock AO
Jennifer Samild
John & Mary Sanders
Penelope Schlam
Dr John Schubert AO
Kate Sempell
Sensible Security Group
Petar Sever
Major General Raymond Sharp
Meg Shaw
Brooke Shelley
Julie Shelley
Vaira & Barry Shepherd
Julie Sheppard
Glenna Sheppeard
June Sheriff
Jonathan Spinks
Jo-Anne Stavely
Ian Stephenson
Janice Stewart
Elizabeth Story
M J & M E Swinburn
Lauren Sullivan
Donelle Talintyre
Frances Taylor
Shirley Teo
Gavin Thomson
Amanda Towe
Christine Trewick
The Hon Malcolm Turnbull AC & Lucy Turnbull AO
Godfrey Walker
Bronnie & Rob Wannan OAM
Kimberley Webber
Carole Webster SC
Greg West
Dorothy Wheeler
Rosemary White
David Whitfield & Noelene Keen-Ward
Vivien Whitfield
Deirdre Whitford
Robert Whittle
Terence Wiesner
Dr & Mrs Richard Willgoss
Joanne Williams
Graham Wootton
Howard P & L D Vains